Best Buy and Stuff...
Hey, everyone.
Sorry that I haven't posted anything in a while, but things have been pretty dull around these parts. However, this past week, I did have a good lunch with my Dad, who also said this in response to my blog:
"Who is this guy...Charlie Brown? Everything shits on him?"
What he meant by that was that my blog entries seem to always be anger-fueled, like I'm always complaining about how much life sucks. In all honesty, I think life is pretty good right now. It's just that I think reading about how great everything is going is a bit boring. "Today was great. My teacher said I have a lot of potential, and all my classmates like me." It just sounds boring. So, while all of you read from this blog, just take into mind that I am really doing fine and that I'm pretty happy with things right now. Anyway, onward with the rest of the entry!
To start things off, I have a question for all of you: Do you think the length of Best Buy's receipts are ridiculously long? I'm pretty sure it's mostly due to that stupid phone survey they put at the bottom, the one that nobody does anyway. Regardless, if you didn't think Best Buy's receipts were long before, then I have something to show you:

That's my receipt, all seven feet of it! Now, I know what you're thinking. I probably went off the handle again buying DVDs, and (with my obsessiveness over DVDs) you have every right to believe that. However, on this particular occasion, I simply bought a mere four DVDs....four! More explanation is needed for this, though. You see, on the day that I went, Best Buy was offering a deal where you can get any new DVD release for just $9.99. On top of that, you also got two small bottles of any soda you wanted for free. The only catch was that you had to sign up for a free 8-issue trial of Entertainment Weekly, Sports Illustrated, and Time. Don't worry, though; it is free as long as you remember to cancel the subsciptions. Anyway, this means that (on top of the four movies) the register had to list 8 different sodas and 12 different magazine subscriptions. So, I end up getting this behemoth of a receipt. On top of that, I had to swipe my credit card for each magazine subscription (so they can charge me for re-subscribing if I don't cancel my subscription). Well, I don't know about you guys, but if I have to swipe my credit card more than five or six times, I start to become a little fuckin' paranoid. To hell with the horror movies I watch in class. The real thrill is at the Best Buy registers!
Well, that's enough about Best Buy for today, though you guys are free to complain about them all you want in the comments section. (Hell, I know Robert has a theory about Best Buy employees involving kitchen garments.) Anyway, on to some more news.
Now, I know some of you might be wondering what the hell is happening with "Beowulf: Keep On Truckin'", and I'm going to tell you all the same response I give to people regarding any film/video venture I take: "I'm working on it." Although, I haven't even looked at the script in over a month and a half now...hell, I don't even know where it is. Still, I have hope that it will get done, but the real production may not come until this summer (when school is finally over and I get a new computer with all of the trimmings). I just want to make sure that this thing absolutely kicks ass before I put a lot of time and effort into it. Who knows...I might just do a few shorter productions in order to get comfortable with the animation.
Well, that's all from here. Sorry that it took forever to put up a new post. Hopefully, I'll post something else before the month is out. See you.
P.S. Since my last post, I have watched all 12 chapters of Trapped in the Closet, and I have to say it was worth every bit of money that I chipped in for it ($3 cash and $2 Best Buy bucks); it was just so goddamn stupid that it became epic. I wish I could recommend it to everyone, but I have to say to hold off if you're interested because, judging from chapter 12, there is still more to come. Ughhh...I can still feel the pain...