Sunday, December 03, 2006

It's been a Elite Beat Agents

Well, it has been a while since I've written anything here. I guess everyone has decided that this page doesn't exist anymore. Oh well. I guess now I can put up shitty "Ten things I hate about Waiting" articles all over this place and no one would be giving me shit about it for months on end. That would be nice.

Anyway, nothing much has been happening lately, as usual. I really should get started on that writing career, but I just find that I'd rather be surfing the internet or playing video games. At times I ask myself if I even really want to be a writer in the television industry. Do I want to do that? Would I rather make web cartoons? Is my drawing even halfway decent for that? Perhaps maybe web comics? But that doesn't really pay the rent does it? Shit, I don't know. Every time I try to work on that Outlook Grim script I keep roadblocking myself because I am trying to make it the best possible thing it's supposed to be some 10-year running cult classic. Why the fuck do I keep creating this pressure for myself? I seriously need to just buckle down and write the damn thing. Fuck what anybody says or what anybody thinks is funny; as long as I can honestly look at it and say it's funny, then that's that.

That seems to be enough verbal purging. Speaking of playing video games, though, I have been extremely addicted to a Nintendo DS game called Elite Beat Agents. I think I've wasted a good twenty hours of my life on it. What is it, you ask? Well, it's a rhythm game that involves tapping the DS screen to the beat of a song; it was originally for Japan, but Nintendo made an American version of the game for...well...America. Would I consider myself a pro at it? I don't know. Let's just look at my replay for the last stage of the hardest setting of the game for some answers:

Pure awesomeness. There were a couple 100s in there (when I started zoning out and going into auto-pilot), but c'mon...4,894,960 points!?! S-Rank?!? Man, I fuckin' rule! Forget patting myself on the back; I would suck my own cock if I could! Mmmm...that's good cock.


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