Black Friday
Hey, everyone.
Before I talk about the greatness that was Black Friday, I have to come clean with a fact that most of you already know by now. Are you ready? Here it is...I have a cell-phone.

Yeah, I know...I'm the guy who denounced the whole idea of a cell phone since high school. However, I also said that I knew I would have to get one someday, and that day finally came on November 27, 2005.
Basically, what happened was that my parents offered to buy me one, and I said "yes." I didn't even bother to put up a struggle because, deep down, I knew it would make life a whole lot easier, especially since I am now applying for internships to places that might possibly hound me day and night, for all I know, and my ass will probably get fired if I can't keep in contact. So, I am very grateful that my parents got me this phone, and I will do my best to use it wisely (try to stay within my minutes and try not to be that guy who lets it ring/vibrate in a movie theatre).
Anyway, on to Black Friday. As you all know, Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) is the biggest sales day of the entire year, a day meant for people to go and do all of their Christmas shopping and get it out of the way while saving big. Of course, there are people, like me, who will go on this day to shop purely for themselves.
Behold: Exhibit A

Okay, so that's the only exhibit. But there it is! Three DVD boxsets, which would have normally cost me about $90 in total, cost a mere $45 on this wonderful, wonderful day. Yes, I know, it seems very greedy to just use the day meant for Christmas shopping on something as selfish as one's self, but c'mon...$45! However, I did buy my dad's Christmas gift (already wrapped and hidden), so the day wasn't completely self-serving.
Anyway, for me, Black Friday started at about 5:45am with not only a watch alarm but also a wake-up call from Bre and Smug. At, 5:55am, Smug and his sister arrived to pick me up and take me along with them to Circuit City, the first stop of the day. Now, the store opened at 6:00am, and we arrived there at about 6:10am. You'd think that we would be able to walk right in. C'mon, who the hell else would be up that early? Well, apparently enough people to warrant a 90-minute wait outside the store. Seriously, the line wrapped around a restaurant parking lot, which got me to thinking...somebody could make some serious bucks standing off to the side and serving coffee. Anybody want to help implement this idea next year?
So, after about 90 minutes of standing in the cold, walking over garbage, watching the sun rise (never knew it did that), we were inside...for about ten minutes. Rest assured, we all got something. I mean, after waiting for about 90 minutes, I would probably at least get a copy of Gigli to ensure the trip wasn't totally in vain...and Gigli sucks whale semen!
After Circuit City, our next stop was Best Buy (for me it was the first of three trips to that same goddamn Best Buy). Best Buy was a completely different story than Circuit City. At Best Buy, we all just walked right in, no waiting or anything. It was also at Best Buy that I realized one important thing for next year: Remember price-matching. All you need to do is collect all of the different stores' ads, and you can do all of your shopping at Best Buy...they price-match The Wherehouse for Christ's sake. Tell me, when was the last time you saw a Wherehouse store in existence?
After Best Buy, I was pretty much done for the day. I got home around 11:00am, watched three episodes of Arrested Development, and went to sleep for about three hours...then woke up with a huge headache. All-in-all, good times were had by all.
Speaking of which, I just finished watching the first season of Arrested Development, and I have to advise you all to move your asses and buy a copy. Seriously, this is some hilarious stuff! Don't believe me? Then check out this picture from me being blown away by it:

Okay, so maybe this is actually the same picture I used for playing Ikaruga, but, seriously, this was a great show, and I have already started watching the second season. I got to give a big thanks to Smug, though, for convincing me to buy both available seasons rather than just season 1. Sure, I could've saved some money for better meals and more frequent laundry room uses, but I think this really was the better choice. Thanks, buddy. I owe you one.
Here is a link to something rather cool to kick off the month of December:
I'd like credit for telling you all it was a hilarious show when it first came out. It's dicks like you that that helped the show get cancelled. "I love it, but I'll just wait years later after its dead to appreciate it. Also, I don't like watching quality shows for free, I'd rather pay for them. Now where's that rod I use to shove up my ass?" Hey Ray, there's this show called the Simpsons, it's pretty funny. You should check it out.
I don't remember you ever talking about this show, Mike. credit for you.
maybe its the combination of caffeine, cigarettes and cocaine or the fact i've not gotten any real sleep in the last 40+ hrs, but GOD FUCKING DAMN IT MIKE! (ooh, allcaps) You complain about Ray not posting anything, then you complain when he does, must you shit on everything? Oh and you want to take credit for turning us on to AD, i don't remember that (but then again i hardly pay attention to your incoherent babblings.)
Hey Mike, there's this show called Shut the Fuck Up. You should check it out.
No, thank you Ray, if i can help at least one person selfishly splurge money on themselves during this time of the year then my job is complete. In this time of giving we must not forget what is truly important and like i always say; fuck everyone else.
SHUT UP[/Hesh]
PS--I require ten dollars.
I get paid Friday...'nuff said.
Hey Ray, thanks for discovering my show on DVD. I'm sure you'll like it. Everyone else did.......10 fuckin' years ago! Thanks for not showing your support when I needed it. Asshole.
Didn't you get the memo? Today is Friday.
Looks like someone has a case of the "Mondays."
geez, mike. your just a dick.
Anyone picking up the next volume of ATHF this week? Cheapest, i've seen it $20 at Target (its $29 at CC,the closest store to me). If some one could pick up an extra one for the smug... that would be nice.
Wait... it's Friday?!. (oh shit)
[Outgoing Message From the Bank of Ray]
Hello, you have reached the Bank of Ray. Currently, there are no funds for purposes of withdrawal. Please return Friday, December 9, 2005, and we should be able to better assist you. Thank you for investing in the Bank of Ray, and sorry for any inconveniences.
I'd like to invest my boot in your ass. Is that cool with the Bank of Ray? Huh?
I'm getting Vol 4. But see, I truly appreciate the Aqua Teen. I will not invest my money in another volume until you renounce your savage SL2021 > ATHF beliefs.
Oh, and check this out. Watch your speakers, this one's loud.
Okay, WTF, the link shows up AS THE FUCKING TIME STAMP.
I printed your blog up just to use it as toilet paper, btw.
denounce Sealab2021? Never!
Some of those eposides from first three seasons are better than the best ATHF eps.
Go watch Stimutacs and tell me i'm wrong.
Oh, the new season of ATHF starts tonite. Already got the entire season set up the DVR back home, god i love that DVR....
that sweet, sweet DVR (slips hand in pants)
Thanks again Ray, and your phone reception sucks mad balls.
"The great British faggot is full of flavour and a great belly warmer at this time of year."
ain't that the truth. delicious faggots...
Have you seen Perfect Hair Forever?
Oh, and I hardly ever pimp albums on you guys (mostly because I listen to entirely different shit), but I'm pretty sure you'd like the new Circa Survive album Smug. I could YSI if you wanted.
What the hell are you guys talking about? I can't tell if Robert is bad talking Sealab or not. Just say, "I like ATHF more." That's all. We don't need this "It's asthetically pleasing on the context of my dick" or whatnot. Ray, I'll send you my stuff tomorrow because I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to send it. Smug, you're an ass. Robert, Sealab is better. You're just to Robert to realize it.
Robert: Haven't seen a full episode of PerfectHair, i vageuly
rememeber something about an "Action Hot Dog"?
And sure put up a YSI link to Circa Survive, always open to new tunes.
Ray: it's a little late but here's the link to those
NES-esque versions of pop songs;
And i know there's more in the SA fourms...
Mike: Shut up. We all know it's all bout 12oz. Mouse. Assface.
Word up Dbag.
Mike. No need to own you. You owned yourself.
Damn this place is dead. (in falsetto) "ghhhosst towwnn." Well i'm done with my classes, i'll be heading home Fridias; its your last week too, Ray, isitnot? so lets get some Meleez on or something...
Oh, Robert. Digged that album,kinda like some of the early Mars Volta tracks,but cutting to chase instead of jamming(fucking around)for 20mins. As for the vocalist, ehm.. takes some getting use. Not being a fan of the whole posthardcore/emo/screamo/orwhateveritscallednow I gotta say i was delightfully surprised.
Yes, I too will be home Friday...probably around 9 or 10 pm. (I work until the last fuckin' minute.) Anyway, MELEE!!! Mike, please have it.
Yeah, there's a lot of depth and atmosphere in the guitar work, and courtesy of Anthony Greene himself (vocalist). There's this lush dynamic between the guitars/bass/Anthony and this hypnotic tempo that you kind of get lost in, instead of being left behind by The Mars Volta.
As for Anthony, I don't know, there's a sort of immediacy and sincerity in his delivery that I don't find many other places. His range is probably a bit too high and feminine, but I figured if you were already used to Bixler, there shouldn't be too much of a problem.
But yeah, Juturna is definitely my pick for best album in 05.
I also got around to getting Deloused in the Comatorium. That's as straightforward as TMV is gonna get right there, and I'm loving it. I don't know, Frances the Mute definitely has the scope and grandeur of a classic, but it meanders way too much (The Widow, Miranda, the entire Cassandra Gemini). That's cool though. 'Cause Cygnus and L' Via are still really great tracks.
Any way, I'm off Friday night. I'm definitely up for something. I'll try to get you on der cell Smug.
Hey Ray, I'd like an update. You read my lj, I read your blog, and I'm all out of way to dick around while at work.
P.S. Are you driving me to Ontario Airport tomorrow?
Updating would require him things. Ray frowns on that.
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