Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Possible Return of Something Gone Wrong

Hey, everyone.

As most of you probably already know, I have been struggling like crazy to think up of a great idea for making a cartoon. This idea has mainly consisted of a very introverted and somewhat neurotic character (hmm, sounds like someone I know) and his exploits at college. However, I have failed to come up with the tone and style of the show that would make it hilarious and poignant at the same time, and I have realized something due to this: I am not that skilled a writer yet. It will take a lot of time, practice, and experimenting before I can fully develop this current idea into the truly awesome thing I want it to be. On top of that, I don't have a huge team of artists and animators helping me to create this, so I better stick with something simple.

With all that said, I have decided on what project I am going to work on for this year at school while I still have the resources. So, ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you the project that will hopefully get Something Gone Wrong Productions up and running again. Here it is, a teaser picture for all of you to see:

That's right, guys. I am going to turn the radio play I wrote back in high school into an animated short using the same software that is used to make shows like Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Sealab 2021. Why use this old script? Well, it's because it's already written and characters have already been developed. This will cut down on pre-production time tremendously, which will be especially helpful since I'm only giving myself a year to complete this task. However, the script will require a lot of tweaking because it's all written for audio purposes only, and I really want this thing to be VISUALLY funny and interesting.

As you can probably tell, I will not be working with the same audio; all-new dialogue will need to be recorded, and a lot of the parts will need to be recast, including the role of Beowulf. (I just hate the sound of my own voice.)

Now, I can't do everything on this project alone. I will definitely need some help, especially in the line of background drawings. So, if any of you want to help in any way, just let me know.

Anyway, that's all. Hopefully this project will really happen and not be some crazy pipe dream. See ya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i give it a three months (round the holidays) before you give up on this, and weep like a child.... count me in!!

10:44 PM  

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