Saturday, October 22, 2005

I'm Loving It!...well, maybe not the sick feeling and the loss of money...

Hey, everyone.

Remember those days when I wouldn't dare go to a fast food restaurant, let alone eat anything that came from McDonald's? Obviously, those days are long gone as my waist size will prove. However, in the past year, I have gained too much weight...about 60 of the 100 pounds I lost. So, I have been going back to Weight Watchers meetings in a dire attempt to get some help with the problem at hand.

Well, the first two weeks of the program didn't go exactly as planned; once I ate more than I should have, I felt the week was a lost cause and started eating a lot more. Luckily, because I spend tons of hours a week at work (which include staying up extremely late), my weight has maintained. This week, however, I was really determined to stay on top of things. However, it appears that a likely foe and an unlikely foe have formed an evil bond to destroy me...Uncle Pennybags and Ronald McDonald:

In case you don't know what that means, it means that McDonald's is doing their Monopoly piece Collect-and-Win game again. However, this time, they added a new spin. The pieces now come with codes on them that you can input into a website for more chances to win. Also, if you get things like large fries, then you automatically get Best Buy bucks (coupons for $1 or $3 off Best Buy items).

Now, I know what you're thinking: it's still a rip-off. Still, all I had to hear from a cashier was "some girl won a PSP from here yesterday," and that was it. They officially sucked me in. Since Wednesday, I have had four Quarter Pounder meals, and each one has sat like a brick in my stomach.

So, the Weight Watchers probably isn't working this week, you might think. Wrong. So far, I have still managed to lose five pounds this week, and it's because those Quarter Pounder meals were the only damn things I had on the days I ate them. Was I starving at work, then, for a good nine hours? Yes. But, you know, at some point, your body just stops being hungry. I guess it's the bodies way of saying "fine, I'll just take some of your pre-stored fat or kidney."

Still, I can't keep eating like this. Even if I did continue like this, and lost the weight, I'm sure my blood pressure would go through the roof from all the oils and sodium. Plus, I'm sure that the poor eating mixed with the lack of sleep is the reason I'm tired all of the time. So, it is with this that I say that I'm knocking McDonald's out of my life least until I get paid on Wednesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those bastards!
(i have accumulated 4 Best Buy dollars myself, although there is no BB around here.)
but 4 quater pounder meals in 4 days!?
is that physically possible?

oh, check out this wonderfully dark
Far Side-esque comic strip:

11:49 AM  
Blogger Raymond Delgadillo said...

Damn, that was pretty funny stuff. Thanks for the link, Smug.

Which reminds me...if any of you have a link you want to share, by all means do it. Also, if you guys just wanna use these comment pages as a message board, feel free to do that too. I know Mike wanted a message board, but I can't do it on Blogger. So, yeah, feel free to use the comment pages as a message board to talk about anything you guys want.

1:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop eating! Go to the supermarket and spend 30 bucks on vegitables and fruit and just eat that. Also, whole wheat bread with lettuce and mustard can feel you up (drink lots of water with it.) Think about it, don't buy McDonalds, and you'll have MORE money for Best Buy. I know you need to eat (stop eating fuck) but don't EAT!!! Just eat. Where's Robert? Robert, does Spencer's carry Luke's green ROTJ sabre?

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean I DON'T need a password to write shit? All I had to do was click "other" and anyone can post shit? Fuck this site. Fuck it up its 3 year old adopted asian daughters ass because they can't afford to feed their young. By the way, the Wizard of Oz....GREATEST.....MOVIE......EVER.

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not saying for you not to eat meat (don't eat meat) or chicken (don't eat chicken) but just eat some veggies (hahaha) and some fruit. It's very satisfying, inexpensive (so you can buy that special someone a ROTJ Luke sabre), and healthier :). Where are the updates?

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the fuck are talking about Mike? Go watch your Wizard of Oz, homo.

Oh Ray, I saw Santa Claus Conquers the Martians last night. HOLY SHIT, that has to be the most poorly conceived/executed film ever. Aghh, I was on the verge of a mental breakdown through the entire 80min mess, and it didn’t help that had a pretty bad buzz (NOT DRUNK). I did have a couple of WTF laughs, but mostly a torturous experience. And that song… that fucking song… (shudders).

you (and the rest of the idiots) gotta see it.

12:22 PM  
Blogger Raymond Delgadillo said...

Smug, I'm taking it that you saw the non-MST3K version? If so, sounds very promising. I gotta get that movie, then, with some of my Best Buy bucks.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So we gonna do a group thing, or are we gonna have to go in pairs? I'm free Mondays and possibly later Saturdays.

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ray, don't listen to your friends. I love you, and I could care less about money. I'm not trying to WIN you over with Best Buy dollars, I'm just rewarding you for making such a wise decision to eat at my fine restaurants. I can tell you're a smart boy, Raymond, and I know you'll continue to eat those wonderful quarter pounders with cheese. Don't forget to add ketchup. I know how you love ketchup. more now. Buy...and be happy. We love to see you smile.

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heresey! Film and appreciating it in forms above and beyond the mundane peons of this Earth are his true desires, not value meals and free refills! Alas, your time is short Mc Donald--for soon after he acquires his projector he shall have his monacle and top hat, and the momentum that will catapult him into the supreme realm of Ultimate Douchery will be irreversable. He will have no use for your inferior foods not soaked in the tears of minority fisherman!

10:13 PM  
Blogger Raymond Delgadillo said...

I'm free for lunches after November 2nd. I'll be free Wednesday through Sunday.

LOL to whoever Ronald McDonald is.

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't worry bout me, ill just warm up my Cup Noodles.
im using my tears of loneliness instead of water, delicious. :(

Ray what are your thoughts on Netflix.
i've been considering it for a while.
cause theres quite a few...
(translated for robert)
blah blah dvd special edition
aspect ratio blah commentary
blah release dates
(end translation)
what do you think?

11:47 PM  
Blogger Raymond Delgadillo said...

What do I think of Netflix, huh?

Well, the only thing that I really see that it is good for is if you are trying to look for rare and obscure titles that aren't at the local Blockbusters or Hollywood Video...TV shows would probably be good to view through Netflix seeing as how the popular chains only cary stuf like The Simpsons and Seinfeld.

Price-wise, though, Netflix probably would be cheaper, but that's only if you really utilize the service; I mean, you would have to imidiately watch the movie you got sent, and then send it back the next day so the next DVD can come. Even then, you're probably saving about $5-$8.

Man, I wish we were doing a weekly CrapNight thing...then Netflix would be the perfect thing to utilize.

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your mom is a perfect thing to utilize!


3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, lord of the zings,
you truly are the king of kings...

5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who else is suprised by how many comments there are? I am.

12:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(mike here) Robert, besides anime and tranime, what other dvds do YOU own? I'm not trying to make fun or anything (if you can believe that) I'm just curious what you've deemed worthy to purchase. In case you didn't know, smug and ray and I have our collections listed on DVDSPOT.COM where we can see how often we burn our money. Join us, it could be fun.

11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ray, looks like another thing you'll have to buy...
(although i assume you've already read said article)

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need a new BLOG, Ray. Give your fans what they want!

12:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're more of a tv and music guy robert. i don't own much television or many min-series. i like my motion pictures. BTW I bought the Wizard of Oz ULTIMATE SPANK YOUR MOTHER EDITION, and I have yet to see ANYTHING on it. I'm too tired to go thru it.

10:43 AM  
Blogger Raymond Delgadillo said...

Hey, Smug.

Thanks for the news post, but, you're right, I did read that news post already. Thanks for looking out for me, though, and please tell me if you hear anything else in the coming months.

Animaniacs AND Pinky and the Brain. Now this is a cause for celebration. (Ray switches to 2% milk from Non-Fat for the day...oh, he's crazy.)

11:37 AM  

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