Saturday, September 10, 2005

Beowulf production log #1

Hey, guys.

Well, it's been just about two days since I announced that I would try and start working on Beowulf: Keep On Truckin', and this is what I have been reduced to:

I'm so tired. I just can't stop thinking about the production. What are the scenes going to look like? What jokes need tweaking? What needs to be cut? What needs to be added? And the sad thing is that I can't even concentrate on school work because all I'm doing is wondering how I'm going to execute this project.

I just re-read the script about an hour ago, and this is what I've decided: this thing needs an overhaul, especially if those who haven't read Beowulf are to enjoy this thing. Actually, I think I'm over-exhagerating. All the script needs is some more set-ups so that the story feels whole. So, I guess nothing big. Also, the transitions from scene to scene need to be more fluid. Maybe I can keep the guy introducing each scene, but then the story would need him to be a narrator in a way.

The biggest thing that has been bothering me, though, is the whole using-copyrighted-music issue, namely the Mortal Kombat theme for the fight scene between Beowulf and Grendal's mother. You see, I really want to submit this thing to festivals, but I just don't know if Johnny Law would come down on my ass for using music illegally. That's when I realized something; I'm probably not going to make a dime off of this thing. So, with that said, I am happy to say that I am keeping the Mortal Kombat theme intact, no midi file either. I'm talking about the real shit! Fuck, I'm so excited!

Anyway, that's all for now. I better get some sleep because I still have so much shit to read for class tomorrow. I'll talk to you guys later.


Blogger Raymond Delgadillo said...

Cool. Thanks for the support. I'll definitely need some suggestions after the re-write, which I will start up very soon; the last three days have been very hectic with school work.

1:29 PM  
Blogger Raymond Delgadillo said...

LOL. I like this...insults me and then wants to pitch his story to me. To top it off, he then proclaims himself my new writing partner (implied, though it may be). Only Mike...

1:21 PM  

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