Work and a Bear...
Hey, everyone.
Before the incoherent rambling begins, I wanted to tell you about a cool website if you're a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000. The website is, and you can buy every episode of MST3K there (excluding the ones that have already been made available through Rhino Home Entertainment). The quality isn't that bad at all; it's about where a decent VHS copy should be. There is some pixelation, but really only in the menu screen. All-in-all, I would definitely recommend this site.
Anyway, that's enough of publicizing that guy's site...back to the rambling! First off, I'd like to start by complaining about work, something I do quite often if you know me. Yesterday, I was so close to going into a homicidal rage, and it was all because I was metal detecting people, finding something, and the guest going, "Does loose change count?" YES, YOU TWAT! IT'S MADE OF METAL! I was even getting this question from college students, the supposedly better-educated. As it turns out, going to a four-year university still doesn't stop you from being a complete retard. And, seriously, I want all the guests to stop announcing what their item is after they pull it out of their pockets. "" Yeah, I see that. What the fuck is this, Sesame Street? Will you be pulling out numbers and the alphabet too? I can see what you pulled out of your pockets; you don't need to teach me about these new-fangled gadgets. Finally, to the guy showing up the last week of Haunt and jokingly telling me that he has a cock-piercing on and asking if if will set the detector off: who writes your material? You are one funny, man, sir. Kudos to you and your keen sense of humor. Why you are in sweatpants and a t-shirt, I have no idea, because a man of your calibur performance should be getting paid enough to wear Armani suits. Once again, bravo to you, soon-to-be-comedy-legend. You are truly an original.
Man, all that venting felt pretty good. Seriously, I was so close to just smashing my metal detector against something...or someone. Thankfully, I called in sick today. Unfortunately, it's not to relax but to catch up on some homework. Right now I have about 60 pages of script to revise by Monday, and I can't do it with work every day of the week. Just in case you were wondering, here is what calling in sick sounded like (by the way, I'm obviously giving a bullshit excuse):
Security, how may I help you.
Hi, this is Raymond Delgadillo. I'm scheduled to work at Haunt tonight, but I unfortunately can't make it.
What's your reason.
I need to attend a film shoot.
Hold on, let me go find a supervisor.
(On Hold)
Okay, I can't find a supervisor, so I'm just gonna let you go.
But you'd better get your schedule figured out because you can't just bail out at the last minute.
I know. Sorry, my group planned this shoot last night, and I didn't find out about it until I got home from working.
Well, make sure this doesn't happen again. Work is your #1 priority. Everything else comes after.
Work comes first? Maybe if working security was what I wanted to do all my life. Sorry, Nazi Jim, but I think you blowing me is a bigger priority. Speaking of blowing, is there anyone out there that can explain this picture:

That picture, if some of you aren't familiar (but I doubt it because I'm usually the one who is behind on all of this movie-watching), is from Stanley Kubick's The Shining. Mike informed me, before I watched it, that there would be this really odd moment near the end, and I assume this is it. I just remember saying to myself, "Why, I do believe that bear is giving that man oral pleasure." All-in-all, I was really creeped out by the movie in general. Nicholson's maniacal laughter, the sets, the hotel halls and hedgemaze, and the music was enough to creep me out...not that I lost sleep over it. I was just creeped out during the film. Seriously, though, can someone with more insight tell me what's up with the bear giving head, or is it something I need to just take at face value?
Anyway, that's all. This should be the last post until November. have a good Halloween, everybody.