Tuesday, September 13, 2005

More fun from English 300

Alright, here is the setup:

Everyone in the classroom has failed the Junior Writing Proficiency Exam. However, one student, me, didn't fail due to poor grammar but rather because he chose to be an asshole on the exam instead of choosing to take it seriously.

Okay, so all of us were assigned to write an essay over the weekend. It could be one of four topics. I picked the topic that dealt with a terrible job and wrote about how much I hated working at Wal-Mart because of the stupid customers.

Anyway, here is the kicker. Today, when we showed up for class, we had to partner up with another student in the class, and we had to correct each other's grammatical errors. What the fuck! It's the start of the semester! Nobody in the class knows how to write for shit! When did this sound like a good idea?

So, I get paired up with this one dude who claims to have writen his essay in the half-hour before class. No shit? I couldn't tell if you were trying to write or just shat on the keyboard and hoped some words popped up. Needless to say, his essay was pure shit. As for my essay, I worked on it for an entire day and made sure that it was coherent and typo-free. Well, this guy couldn't find anything wrong with my essay, but he did write something. Here is a piece from my paper with the note that he wrote (I had to highlite it in order to make it visible):

Apparently, this guy has never heard of the concept of insulting someone. It was either that or he wanted me to admit to having psychic abilities. I mean, maybe he was asking "how do you know that the printer wasn't $10?", but he's got "abortion-survivor" underlined, and I doubt that he thinks most printers fall around the $10 range. Hell, even my piece of shit printer was at least $30.

Well, I've said it over a hundred times, and I'll say it again: Fuck ENG 300, and fuck the JWP.


Blogger Raymond Delgadillo said...

LOL. Have you've been eavesdropping or something?

8:42 AM  

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